Opus slik magistre Akademije za likovno umetnost Sonie Trošt izraža simbolni svet različnih vibracij na zemlji, oceanu, nebu in v vesolju, ki nas obkroža.
Skozi njeno izostreno opažanje narave, sonca, vode, oceanov, elementov zraka, zemlje, zvezd, planetov… se razlivajo energetske slike in ART mandale v mogočni eksploziji barv na platnu.
Predstavlja tudi tiste svetove, ki so očem v realnem okolju, ki nas obkroža mnogokrat nevidne. Slika razne energetske strukture, nebesne oblike, ki vzpodbudijo v človeku različne impulze in občutke. Njena slika je preplet barv, oblik, naravnih materialov, kristalov, peskov.. Gre za vizijo, ki prenaša Svet Nevidnega v Svet VIDNEGA.
Podnaslov njenega ustvarjanja je Art, Vision & the Universe.
Master of Arts, Sonia Trošt’s opus of paintings expresess the symbol world of different vibrations on Earth, in the ocean, in the sky and in the Universe that surrounds us. Through her precise observation of the nature, sun, water, oceans, elements of air, earth, stars and planets, ART MANDALAS are being born through a majestic explosion of the colors on canvas.
Sonia is bringing into forms also the worlds, mostly hidden to our eyes. She paints different energetic structures and shapes – structures on the canvas, that awake different impulses and feelings. Her painting is a synergetic explosion of colors, shapes, natural materials, Swarovski crystals, minerals, sands and dusts…A vision, transmiting the invisible to the visible world.
Her art is subtitled: Art, Vision & the Universe.